Information for Parent / Carers

The Careers Provision is not only about work and employment: our students are supported to explore all relevant options and opportunities relating to their future options and destination opportunities. The Careers Team work with parent / carers towards these destinations

This section contains key information about the activities, options and opportunities available for your young person as they prepare for adult life, and how you can support them as they explore their future options and opportunities

If you have any questions about the Careers Provision do not hesitate to contact either Raph Taylor or Kristi Mitchell  

Further information can be found here.

Information in your Local Authority:

Wakefield: My Local Offer

Kirklees: Local Offer

Barnsley: Local Offer

Leeds: Local Offer


The Local Offer pages have information to support SEND young adults, with a focus on Preparing for Adulthood pathways

Information about pathways and destinations:

Supported Internships - a 1-year work-based pathway for young people with an EHCP:

Further Education Colleges - providing a range of Level 1 and 2 courses:

The Downs Syndrome Association DS Workfit programme support young people who have Downs Syndrome into paid employment:

Information about Employment and Work support

How you can support Careers for your young person

Use the information the Careers Team shares to support your young person to explore information with them

Attend events and open days / evenings to find out more about future pathway options - these events are published on this page, social media, and sent home with your young person

Ask to speak with the Careers Leader or Careers Assistant if you would like more support 

Labour Market Information

This shows employment and jobs trends in each region, and Camphill Wakefield uses this to help advise students who would like to work, which industry sectors are likely to have vacancies and be advertising for work

"West Yorkshire is home to some of the UK's leading industries and is an international leader in digital technology, healthcare innovation and advanced manufacturing and engineering.

It's a job-seeker's market in West Yorkshire, with a record level of vacancies across the region in a range of sectors in 2022, including hospitality, construction and manufacturing." (1)

(1 source: 

Camphill Wakefield is developing the curriculum and Careers Provision to reflect these growth areas - introducing Trades into the Land Pathway, and building links with regional and national Construction and Manufacturing companies

Better Off Calculations

How paid employment impacts benefits and how your young person will be better off financially

Use the Benefits Calculators below to input benefits and estimate the increased income from paid employment: