The Admissions Process


We have put together a step-by-step guide to the admissions process. The process will typically follow these steps. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or queries.


  1. Make an Enquiry

Contact Morven Simpson on 01924 255281 or to discuss what we can offer you.


  1. Visit to Campus

To ensure that there is minimal disruption to our students and minimal impact on their education, open days/evenings are our preferred way of welcoming you to campus. Our next open day is:

Saturday 18th January 2024, 10am-12pm

Reserve a place here, or by emailing,

  1. Inform Local Authority

The next step is to inform your local authority that you are considering Camphill Wakefield. This may be done as part of the annual EHCP review process, through the current setting’s careers service/SENCO or directly to your SEN case worker.


  1. Let Us Know

As well as informing the local authority, let us know that you are considering Camphill Wakefield. This allows us to begin to gather information in advance of the local authority consultation process. This information may be in the form of EHC Plan, professional reports, social care reports, support plans from school. Please send us any of these documents.

We may visit the current placement to meet and observe the young person as well as discuss support/learning needs with staff.

Depending on circumstances we may be able to offer taster days when we will undertake discreet assessments, as well as give the young person the opportunity to experience college life.


  1. The Consultation Process

The Local Authority should write to all the settings you request to consult with them as to whether they can meet the young person’s special educational needs and aspirations.

When the Local Authority consult with us, they will send us a copy of the draft EHCP and formally ask us whether we can meet the young person’s special educational needs and aspirations. Using this, and any information you have shared with us, the Admissions team will assess and decide whether to offer a placement.

If the decision is made to offer a placement, we will respond to the local authority who will be funding the placement.

When written confirmation of funding is received then Camphill Wakefield will write to you to confirm the place and a start date will be given.


We understand that transitions are a potentially stressful period for both the young person and the family. We are also aware that all our students are individuals and, as such, have differing needs. Therefore, each young person’s transition is different. We work with families and schools to provide as smooth a transition process as circumstances allow.